System Management General Information
Door Counters
What is so important about door counters?
Each site is unique and the personnel managing that unit need a real understanding of what occurs at that site.
Door counters provide one of the most valuable information resources for the management of amenities blocks. They allow the system manager to record data and profile the loading on the unit. This load profile allows for future planning and assessment of system operation and maintenance.
Should system trouble-shooting become necessary, the most useful data to assess is the system loading (number of uses). This information can be displayed in a spreadsheet program to graphically represent the peak load periods.
It also allows the assessment of real growth in user numbers against the original estimates. From this data the approach to maximum system loading can be predicted, allowing for timely planning for the expansion of facilities or limitation of the use if necessary. This data should form an integral part of the site management plan.
Retro-fitting Systems
There are numbers of existing systems of different types that have reached or exceeded their useful life. Some of these systems have the capacity to be upgraded and retrofitted with Hybrid toilet systems. To assess what unit sizes should be installed if at all, reasonably accurate usage data is required to establish the appropriate unit sizes.
This is normally best achieved by installing door counters of some type. This allows the establishment of the load profile over as long as possible a time frame. It most important that data be gathered over the peak periods of the year and in particular the sustained peak that will occur in the year. This data collection should be done as a priority as soon as this is to be considered. This data collection period is critical in the decision making process that is to follow.
The decision may be taken not to retro-fit the current unit and it may be more appropriate to install a new unit. This decision can then be taken based on real recorded data.
There are other peripheral items that need careful consideration when doing this type of assessment and we recommend consultation with our team.
For further data recording hardware options available from Gough Industries see 'Door Counter Options'.
Door Counter Options
PLC/DDC Systems
Telemetry Control & Monitoring